Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Potty Training Party

Photos by Cirina. Tutorial for potties here.

I applied to host a Potty Training Party with Huggie's Pull-Ups via Have you heard of them? They're a company that allows you to host a party, based on a theme, and they provide the host with goodies for you and your guests. I went to one last winter for Shutterfly and walked away with two free photo books! So I signed on and applied to the parties I was interested in. I found this potty training party to be particularly applicable as my youngest just turned 2. So I applied and was chosen, with many others, to host on one of three weekends. And I was sent a box in the mail with all the free goodies. So then I just had another excuse to throw a party!

And perfect timing, this party from Creative Juice, came up with a brilliant potty training celebration for her daughter's completion complete with a diaper toss, treats, and prizes just in time. I had a small pizza party for my son when he graduated to this next step, which was a big deal, because it took a year to train him!! So we celebrated. But not in style, like this. Thank you to my guests for attending and having fun! And a big thanks to my sister-in-law who happened to be in town with her son in training. She helped me the night before and the day of to set this all up. Thanks Jana!

Here are the photos! For more description about why I hosted this, please read below. And here is my Pinterest board I used for inspiration.

Thank you to Tiff Keetch for creating and providing the labels, you can print them for your own! Check our her blog for the printables. You may have already seen her talents all over Pinterest. 

Most of the photos below are courtesy of my friend, Cirina. 

I made these little toilets out of doughnuts and gigantic marshmallows. They were admittedly a big hit. The simple tutorial is here if you'd like to make them for your next potty training experience. 

Gable boxes filled with their Huggie's Pull-Ups kit. Before they went home they were able to take home a "magic drink" and "potty treats" jar. The labels were made by my fabulous friend (and attendee) Tiff Keetch. You can grab your free printables here. She thought it would be best if she stuck the labels on with clear packing tape, for waterproofing. Great idea! 

When I potty trained my first two children, we tried the "potty training in a day" method. It didn't really take one day but a few more. But the treat incentive, sticker chart and lots of liquids certainly helped. Hence the "magic drink" to be refilled with whatever the mother wants to fill it with to keep their child full and ready to train. 

Potty Treats. A mason jar with a scrapbook papered lid filled with purple (to go with the theme), yellow (pee-pee) skittles for going #1 and large chocolate kisses (a resemblance) for #2. 

 Oreo Truffles on a stick. I used this recipe. 

 The mini truffles for the children were not meant to look like, well, you can guess. But my sister-in-law and I surveyed our children, and they preferred oreo truffles without the white coating, so the little bit sized truffles for the kids were kept dark and the larger ones were for the "trainers" (ie, mother's). 

 The kit included coupons, a dance mat, an inflatable guitar, a sticker chart a few large stickers, and the DVD. 

The kits came with these inflatable guitars for each child. Here they are practicing the potty dance.

Why? And what is a potty training party?
My daughter just turned 2 and I was motivated to start training. But I wanted to give her a boost first to show how exciting it can be to be out of diapers. And to be surrounded by other children who are in the same position. Houseparty and Huggies gave us suggestions for games and such and provided me with a CD for the potty dance. Because this was a potty training party, it was not a celebration for completion but more of an avenue to pump my daughter (and my friend's children) up to get excited about potty training. To give advice and ideas of how to potty train (most of the guests were first time potty trainers) and to provide treats and tools to inspire the children to begin. As a hostess, I did not instruct or teach the children or mother's how to potty train. I left that up to them to use tools such as the free DVD from Huggie's and other resources like the many self-help books out there to find a method that works for them.

Budget: $52 minus $15 Target Hostess gift card = $37
Gable Boxes (Xpedx): .40 each/10 $4
Mason Jars (Target): .75 each/10 $7.50
Water bottles/"Magic Drinks" (Target): $2
Oreo Truffles (Walmart/Joann's): $5
Paper Straws (Amazon): $1/20
Toilet Treats (Walmart): $4
Potty Treats (Walmart): $5
Candy: $7
Yellow Ribbon (Michael's): $1
Paper Lanterns (Zurchers): $6.50
Cupcake liners (Michael's): $1
Paper cups & fake flowers (Dollar Tree): $3
Yellow Streamers (Zurchers): $1
Purple tablecloth (sheet) (Goodwill): $4

Thank you to and Huggies and Target!


Creative Juice Facebook page! 



  1. ha ha ha what a cute idea! I'm currently trying to potty train my two year old ergh :/ I LOVE the cute little potties that you made!

  2. This is such a cute idea! I love the whole 'potty party' idea. I wish I would have known about this 2 kids ago. :) I can do it for my son though!

  3. i am so glad you hosted this party! thanks for sharing the link with us! we will share this on our fb page! i love all the details :)
    - mindy from creative juice

  4. What a cute and great idea for a party! We are featuring this in the blog, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest today! ^^)

  5. what a great idea! Love the colors! hope you don't mind I pinned this!

  6. This is such a great idea! I love all the wonderful items you created.

  7. Im definitely considering a "Potty Like a Rockstar" party for my toddler who is officially potty trained now! (YESSS!) So I think it would be a great reason to celebrate her accomplishment. Thanks for the lovely ideas :)
