Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lego Birthday Party: Games

There are many many fun and simple game ideas that you can find on the internet. From building lego towers, car races, to lego bingo and ring toss. I chose 4 simple activities that would take up enough time to fill the 1 1/2 hour party plus 15 minutes for cake/ice cream and presents at the end.

The first game they started with....once they noticed it was here....was to guess how many lego candies were in the small jelly jar with spray painted lid. I gave them a hint to make it easier, like it's  a number between 10 and 100. The boy who guessed the closest got to take the jar home. I made the sign on Picnik via Picasa. I took a photo of this Lego dude and added the text and graphics for free! Then I printed it at Costco for 13 cents.

Because each boy received a Lego city boat kit (remember....30 cents a piece, otherwise you could invest in one of those big boxes of Legos and give each boy a pile to build a car or boat with) we took the first 15 minutes, once everyone arrived, to build them. Once they were built, we had a boat race. Just fill a kiddy pool, arm them with a straw, set the rules (like no using hands) and let them race. The boats didn't float as well as I hoped but it didn't stop them from playing anyway. They inevitably got a little wet, but they dried off quickly!

Next up: Balloon scavenger hunt. I saw this balloon idea on Pinterest from Martha Stewart. The balloons were stapled to the shed (but you could pin them to a sheet, tablecloth or tape them to butcher paper and tack to a wall) in the shape of an "S" for Samuel. We filled each balloon with a number that lead to a destination around the house/yard. Whoever found the next clue got to pop the next balloon. My husband had the list of locations and they'd ask him which corresponded with that number and they'd run to the next destination. They were so out of breath! And it took a lot of time because they had to run back and forth. The final destination had a bowl with their party favors inside, so everyone won this game.

 Last game...which was very messy by the end of the party was 
suck a Lego onto a plate. We dumped a bunch of smaller Lego's onto the center of the table and I timed them for 2 minutes, whoever got the most Legos on their plate, using only a straw, won a box of bubblegum balls.

In between games there was a lot of running, chasing, drinking liquids, eating treats, etc.

Check out all the details of this party:
Inspiration Board: Pinterest
Part 1
Part 2: Decorations
Part 3: Food
Part 4: Games
Part 5: Party Favors
Part 6: Photo Goods

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